Saturday, August 12, 2006

Star Trek Motivational Posters

Bill sent me the link to these Star Trek "motivational-style" posters... they're excellent. That style of poster is one of those interesting iconic images/themes to come out of the late 80's or 90's.

I did a quick check on the internet, but can't seem to find out where or when exactly the style originated. I did however find some of the other collections of posters out there that use this style to maximum humor effect.

I think Despair Inc. put out some of the earliest parodies of the original inspirational/motivational posters, and capitalized on the Dilbert-esque backlash against what was perceived by many to be a kind of corporate brainwashing. According to the website, Despair Inc. "introduced the world to a darkly insightful line of motivational poster parodies known simply as Demotivators®." in 1998. They've since expanded their line to include video and audio podcasts. Oh, and they've added some new ones to their collection... hilarious.

Geekdom seems to suit this style of parody, as these creations based on the world of role playing games demonstrate. If you've ever rolled up a character and thrown dice, then you will definitely enjoy some of these. Take it from this geek, these are top notch.

Dumbentia has created their own versions inspired by the seven deadly sins. These are maybe a bit too wordy, and a bit not funny. I won't even bother posting one of these.

Ishkur has created his own collection... not bad... pretty insightful actually. He's nailed the style and technique. I like "Awesome" best, but his take on blogging, Conservatism, Liberalism, poker diamonds, Linux... heck, all of them are spot on.

Bad Day Studio gives his own based on comic book characters. I like the Conan one, but for some reason blogger won't seem to upload the pic...

Anyway, if you think you now know what it takes to make a good motivational poster parody, the this site helps you to create your very own mockuvational poster. Kinda explains where all of these are coming from now...

Enjoy. Let me know if you create any.


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